Friday, October 19, 2012

"I don’t have enough money for it to make a difference."

Even in drastic times of economic hardship people fail to make smarter financial decisions because they resist change.  The biggest concern I hear people say is “I don’t have enough money for it to make a difference.”  If you are saying this you are missing the entire concept of financial efficiency.  If you don’t have money these ideas are even more important to abide by.  Every penny counts.

Only in very rare cases does money just suddenly appear in your account.  You don’t want to wait for that to give you a reason to start good financial practices.  It is time to be proactive.  Implementing the strategies found on this site is how you make money.

Eventually these practices will save you money in addition to making you interest.  It may be a few cents a month at first, then a few dollars, but free money is free money.

I like to think of it like this.  Let’s say you make $4 in interest for the month.  Doesn’t seem like a lot right?  But think about it.  Some people make $8 an hour.  This means $4 in interest is technically 30 minutes that they wouldn’t have to work.  That’s 30 minutes more with your loved ones, one more episode of your favorite TV show, an extra-long lunch break, etc.

“Commit to making the change, literally.”

The key is to start now.  Whenever I speak to someone about this, they nod their head and I ask them, “What is stopping you from doing this right now?”  At that point they have two choices, make a lame excuse and continue on their current path, or they commit to making the change, literally.  The best feeling is when I hear from someone a few months later when they call me excited about the interest they just made just for switching over to smarter banking decisions.

Talk isn’t cheap as some people say.  Talk is expensive, because talking doesn’t make you money.  Taking the proper action will make you money.

So now is the point where you ask yourself, what is stopping me from making smarter financial decisions right now?
Choose wisely.

If you are ready to make a change, here is a good place to start