Friday, July 1, 2011

Loose Change – Put it to Work

Loose change gets lost all of the time; in the seat cushions, the floor of your car, the bottom of your purse, etc.  This change is wasted money that could be working for you, earning you interest in your savings/checking account.
Think of your finances as a business and each penny as an employee; would you let you employees go for vacations for years at a time, just sitting around on the sofa, or in a jar on your desk?  NO, you would put them to work.
If you are following the strategies I outline by using your rewards credit card for every purchase and paying it off each month then you won’t have change lying around, however if you do, here’s what to do.
Take your change to your local bank or credit union.  Just about all banks and credit unions have a change counting machine that you can use for FREE if you are a member/customer.  DO NOT USE KIOSKS like CoinStar.  These will charge you fees just for allowing use of their machine.  Why would you pay for this when you can already get it for free?!  It’s like throwing money away. 
Your change will multiply as it sits in your interest bearing checking or savings account.  I recommend People’s Community Credit Union as it is currently paying the highest amount in the Clark County area. 

*For other areas conduct a Google search and look for accounts in your area that pay high amounts of interest and have no monthly fees.

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